Skills Training in English
2 dagen
It isn’t odd to feel overwhelmed by the large amount of information and the excessive demands on your time in today’s fast-paced world. Time to unwind seems nowhere to be found and it is often hard to relax and slow down. Do you find it difficult to be in the moment? After this training, you will be able to focus on the things that matter to you and truly be present. Recent research has shown that practicing mindfulness contributes to an improved concentration, to a better balance between work and your private life and, ultimately, to a healthier lifestyle.
This training is aimed at anyone who is interested in communicating and working in an attentive manner from a basic attitude of focus and relaxation. The program is suitable for those who wish to develop a habit of being tuned in to their inner world instead of running past it.
This interactive training offers techniques and exercises that are experience, physical and conscience-based. Participants learn to reflect on how they work and live, to apply small bits of theory and to experiment with different techniques.
Throughout the training trajectory, our online learning platform (e-Connect) will be available. Here, you will find extra exercises, information and the means to communicate with the trainer and share experiences with other participants.
This training consists of classroom meetings at your preferred location. Since you will be able to learn a lot from other members of your group, we offer an alternative location in case your preferred option does not have a sufficient amount of participants. Our classrooms can be found throughout the Netherlands.
Betaal je je opleiding zelf, of doet je werkgever dit? Voor veel van onze opleidingen kun je gebruikmaken van interessante financiële voordelen. Welke mogelijkheden er zijn, lees je terug in onze subsidiebrochure.
Vraag subsidiebrochure aan
Opleiding op locatie
Bij Boertien Vergouwen Overduin regelen wij een arrangement voor jou bestaande uit onbeperkt koffie, thee en ijswater. Het dagarrangement is inclusief een uitgebreide lunch. De arrangementskosten bedragen € 25,-/ € 30,-* per dag of € 5,50 / € 10,-* per avond. Als er locatiekosten vermeld worden in het kostenoverzicht, worden deze kosten aan je doorberekend. De locatiekosten bedragen € 29,50/ € 35,-* per dag of € 10.- / € 20.-* per avond.
Let op: alle bovenstaande bedragen zijn exclusief BTW. Vanaf 1 september 2024 zijn de bedragen met een * van toepassing.
Virtual Classroom of E-learning
Wanneer je ervoor kiest om een van onze opleidingen online via een e-learning of virtual classroom te volgen, worden er geen locatie- en arrangementkosten in rekening gebracht.